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The official Windows app for a popular online learning platform with thousands and thousands of courses

The official Windows app for a popular online learning platform with thousands and thousands of courses

Vote: (2 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: Udemy

Works under: Windows

Also available for Android Mac


Program license

(2 votes)




Works under:

Also available for


Android Mac


  • Great courses
  • Loads of different topics offered
  • Free to sign up and look around
  • Great teachers
  • Small class sizes
  • Tremendous flexibility


  • Courses can be expensive
  • Some classes can be difficult to get into depending on class size and popularity

Udemy is a fast-growing online education platform, where learners of all backgrounds can take classes when they want, how they want, and in whatever field they want. From camera courses, to cooking courses, to writing and French--there is something for everyone on this platform. It caters to learners through hiring accredited teachers and maintaining small class sizes. It is the best of higher learning without the rigid schedule and the boring unnecessary courses. It sets the standard for what learning can and should be in the future.

At this time there are more than forty-five thousand courses available and this number continues to grow as the platform continues to grow. Students can join the site for free, peruse the offered classes, check out the notable teachers, and decide what is best for them. Each of the classes comes with its own price tag, and students need only pay for the course that they intend to take. There are no subscriptions or hidden fees. Students can take or not take as many classes as they want at a given time. While some courses can be expensive, other courses remain very reasonably priced.

Udemy is offered predominately in English. It works on laptops, computers, cell phones, tablets, and even some smart TVs. It works with Apple and Android-based devices as well as Mac and Windows-based laptops and computers. This flexibility is something that many learning platforms, and certainly traditional offline learning methods, often lack. It makes Udemy a great choice for learners of all ages to get to know something new.

Overall, Udemy is a great source of knowledge and wisdom regardless of what topic learners are interested in. It makes good sense especially for the autodidact and those who learn well in non-traditional settings. That being said, many of the courses can be relatively expensive for digital learning, although still much cheaper than taking a course at a local college. It is a great option for older learners or hobbyists looking to learn new things, but who don't want to go to a physical classroom to do so. While it can be sometimes pricey, learners really do get what they pay for.


  • Great courses
  • Loads of different topics offered
  • Free to sign up and look around
  • Great teachers
  • Small class sizes
  • Tremendous flexibility


  • Courses can be expensive
  • Some classes can be difficult to get into depending on class size and popularity